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Tuesday 5 June 2012

World best defender

Carles Puyol began his footballing career in the local team of the small town where he was born, La Pobla de Segur. His talent soon attracted wider attention and, at the age of 17, he was signed up for the Barca academy at La Masía. He is our first captain and very strong defender.

And some details (English translation thanks to conlaroja.wordpress.com)

Personal profile
A cologne: Armani.
A car: the Audi RS4.
A watch: CP5.
A pending trip: Australia, but on vacation.
It embarrasses you to… sing and dance.
A politician: all and no one.
I envy women for… their intelligence.
A historical person: Michael Jordan.
You would go have a beer with… with my girlfriend.
What kind of work wouldn’t you like to do? Journalist.

Sports profile
The best goal you’ve ever seen: Rivaldo’s bicycle kick against Valencia in a Liga game.
A football genius: Luis Enrique.
A coach: van Gaal.
First stadium that you went to: Camp Nou.
A teammate that was on the road to stardom but didn’t make it: Mario Rosas.
Your first ball: it was round, some are not.
A game of Spain’s that you remember: the Eurocopa final in Vienna against Germany.
Your first kit: Barça.
A stadium that you would like to play in that’s not your team’s: the Santiago Bernabéu.
The best player of all time: Messi.
Books, cards or videogames: A bit of everything, but I prefer books and movies.
Can you recommend me a food shack on the beach? Charco, in Ibiza.
What gets on your nerves? Insincerity.
Do you remember what was your first kiss like? It was given to my mother.
What do you have on your iPod? Music.
What do you play on Play? Football.
Nesquik or Cola Cao? Neither.
How many watches do you own? A lot! I own a brand of watches!
What do you remember about your first coach? His name was Jordi Mauri and I remember him with gratitude. He taught me many things.
What were your first boots like? They were black. They used to always be black. Now, I have them in colors.
Italian restaurant or Japanese? Both. But to enjoy, Japanese.
Who did you ask for an autograph when you were a kid? No one.
What is your mobile ringtone? I have it on vibrate.
What is the last thing you gave as a gift to your mother? A bag.
Which player has kicked you the most? I give the kicks. And mostly to Iniesta.
What’s the last TV series you’ve become addicted to? I watch them on DVD: Prison Break, Lost…
Do you follow any blogs? Yes, Luis Enrique’s.
Are you superstitious?
Well, when I step on the pitch, I always do it with my right foot and I don't touch the lines.

You have any passions outside football?
I admit that I'm addicted to my mobile phone. New York and tattoos are two of my other secret passions. Now I have five tattoos, all on places where you can hide them. The last time I had three on the same day and next time I'll have some more. I want some symbols of Polynesia and Tibet. I'll look for a free day to put them.

Why did you launch your own line of watches, CP5?
So I don't get late.

His biography is entitled Mi partido.
He also has his own line of watches, CP5.
Puyi would like to be the technical secretary of Barcelona one day.
Favourite song: Te Esperare by Shuarma
Carles is VERY hardworking, he trains on his own during holidays and days off.

Photos anyone?

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